
? Jasico d.o.o.

Welcome to .SI domain names registrar Jasico!

How much does it cost to register a .SI domain name?

We charges a fee of EUR30/year (excl. VAT) to register a top level domain .si
this includes registrartion for 1 year.

Search for free domain.si

1. Who is entitled to register .si domain name?

A .si domain name can be registered by any legal or natural person.
Local presence is not required.

2. What is the registration period for .si domain names?

Domain names can be registered or renewed for one, two, three, four or five years.

4. What kind of domain name can be registered under .si?

Rightful claimants can register any domain name that fulfils the following requirements:

  • minimum of 2 characters among the letters "A-Z" with no difference between capital and lower case letters, numbers from "0-9" and the hyphen "-"
  • first or last character can not be a hyphen
  • hyphen can not be positioned on the 3rd and 4th position simultaneously
  • domain name can include from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 63 characters
  • domain name must not be identical to a previously registered .si domain name (that is still in domain name database)
  • domain names 113.si and 112.si are reserved for the needs of the Police (113) or the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (112).

JASICO d.o.o.
Cankarjeva 27
9000 Murska Sobota

phone: +386.25371027

What makes us the best registrar in Slovenia?

  • we care for excellent customer service
  • we are the first accredited Registrar in Slovenia
  • we offer easy domain name registrartion in minutes
  • we have happy partners all ower the world
  • we are in internet bussiness since 1995

REGISTRY for SUB-DOMAIN as: | .co.si | .de.si | .uk.si | .at.si | .us.si | .cn.si | .ae.si |


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